all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

find any address or company within the HG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 9AA 4 3 54.009103 -1.470339
HG5 9AB 4 0 54.0088 -1.471014
HG5 9AD 6 0 54.008964 -1.471454
HG5 9AE 6 1 54.009329 -1.472747
HG5 9AF 3 0 54.009616 -1.470561
HG5 9AG 2 0 54.009488 -1.470737
HG5 9AJ 1 0 54.012002 -1.471599
HG5 9AL 3 2 54.011279 -1.472753
HG5 9AP 2 0 54.012019 -1.474031
HG5 9AQ 13 0 54.01138 -1.471012
HG5 9AR 15 1 54.010934 -1.47178
HG5 9AT 4 0 54.010177 -1.473499
HG5 9AU 11 1 54.009917 -1.47367
HG5 9AW 21 2 54.011078 -1.471977
HG5 9AX 1 1 54.009447 -1.475065
HG5 9AY 18 18 54.01143 -1.478534
HG5 9BW 14 0 54.01486 -1.473562
HG5 9AZ 22 0 54.009241 -1.473251
HG5 9BB 33 0 54.012202 -1.470101
HG5 9BG 23 1 54.013038 -1.470106